New Mexico
It’s that time for the New Mexico Block to make it’s appearance. I chose a simple pallet of blue sky (over 300 days of sunshine here), yellow for the state flag, red for the Zia on the state flag and of course a balloon - I am fortunate to see them flying almost every week. The first week of October is the International Hot Air Balloon Festival, where there are hundreds of balloons flying. Every now and then, if the wind is just right - they fly right over my house - then the crazy lady (me), in her jammies and camera is outside taking pictures.
Albuquerque International Balloon Festival - 2019
When I was going to design my block - I knew I wanted to include a Zia and a balloon. I decided on an applique design and made them in both needle-turn (my favorite method) and fused (the get-er-done method). The pattern shows the block outline so you can do either method.
New Mexico Block - Fused Applique
New Mexico Block - Needle-turn Applique
New Mexico Block - Fabric Selection
Next up in the tour:
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